Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Diagnosis-guided therapy (dgT)
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ)
That was the reason for us to systematise the experience of the TMJ-Kiel-treatment-team gathered over decades and to pass it on in a didactically suitable form. In addition to our present education portfolio, we have now developed the topic as an Online-learning-course TMJ. For the first time you are enabled to learn the complex subject matter in a period of 9 months from the comfort of your own home. Various pedagogical tools are available for this purpose. The Online-learning-course TMJ ends with an online final examination.
Online-learning-course TMJ is available soon!
Online-learning-course TMJ
Diagnosis and therapy of temporomandibular joint dysfunction
according to the TMJ-Kiel-concept diagnostic guided Therapy (dgT)

Approved by the State Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU) Cologne under no. 7422423.
Scientific management: Prof. Dr. Helge Fischer-Brandies
Organisational management: Robert Ciesielski
Conducted by: Fischer-Brandies & Ciesielski CMD-Kieler-Konzept GbR Hamburg, Postfach 1443, 24103 Kiel, E-Mail: info@cmd-kieler-konzept.de
Our Online-learning-course TMJ is primarily aimed at for dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons and dental students who want to expand their knowledge of craniomandibular dysfunctions. Upon successful completion, this course will enable you to successfully meet the growing demands on management, quality and economy of the interdisciplinary treatment of craniomandibular dysfunctions.
The course material is distributed over three electronic textbooks, the Connectibooks CMD 1 to 3 (CB1, CB2, CB3). The complete electronic administration is done via the Campus Manager, which accompanies you during your studies. It also provides you with all texts, interactive learning units, teaching videos incl. the performance assessments.
The prerequisite for access to the Online-learning-course TMJ is that the applicant has started or successfully completed a study in dentistry at a German or foreign university.
Online-learning-course TMJ to learn the diagnosis and therapy of TMJ
The Online-learning-course TMJ can be completed while working. With intensive study, the time frame is designed for 3 months. However, it is possible to complete the requirements for the examination in up to 9 months with approx. 30 learning hours per month.
Who can benefit from it?
This electronic teaching platform is aimed at dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons and dental students who want to expand their knowledge of craniomandibular dysfunction (TMJ).
Why an Online-learning-course TMJ?
Craniomandibular dysfunctions are a complex disease. Accordingly, extensive basic knowledge is required for diagnosis and therapy. In face-to-face teaching, the lecturers always have to focus on the “weakest” link, and for more experienced colleagues this results in unnecessary repetition. In this Online-learning-course TMJ you can weight things according to your previous knowledge, skip what you know and study topics that are difficult for you more intensively.
Far more important, however, is the volume presented. The Online-learning-course TMJ leads to very complex treatment cases that are trained interactively. More than 240 hours of therapy are difficult to master in a face-to-face class. Corona has taught us that much can be done better in homework.
However, the practical training following the distance learning course must then take place hands-on.
Structure of the learning material
The material is structured according to thematic aspects in 3 electronic Connectibooks
– Connectibook CMD 1: Basics and diagnostics
– Connectibook CMD 2: Therapy according to the TMJ-Kiel concept dgT
– Connectibook CMD 3: Training in planning and control of a therapy
The main features of the didactic approach are a combination of:
– concise, illustrated text
– extensive video material
– interactive training for self-monitoring
To learn clinical diagnostics
– the patient’s medical history is presented and practised independently online using examples
– the diagnostic schemes are presented and demonstrated online
– diagnoses and treatment planning are trained interactively
Diagnostic imaging is:
– presented in broad outline
– trained interactively using the diagnoses of a Radiologist as a basis for image-based review
To learn the therapy:
– the therapy pathway is presented
– treatment procedures are shown
– treatment procedures are trained interactively